Sexy actress Shriya Saran hot Profile and sexy photoshoot

 Born 11 September 1982

Shriya Saran also known by the mononym Shriya, is an Indian film actress and model. She has worked in several of the regional industries of Indian cinema, having acted in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi language films, as well as a few films in English. Saran made her film debut in 2001 with the Telugu film Ishtam, and had her first commercial success with Santhosham (2002). She subsequently appeared in several more Telugu films, while making in-roads in the Hindi and Tamil film industries.

In 2007, Saran starred in Sivaji: The Boss, the highest grossing Tamil film at that time. She also gained critical acclaim for her role in the 2007 Bollywood film Awarapan. In 2008, Saran played the lead role in her first English film, the American-Indian co-production The Other End of the Line. Her following projects included popular films such as Kanthaswamy (2009) in Tamil, and Pokkiri Raja (2010) in Malayalam, her roles in which have established her as one of the leading actresses in the South Indian film industries

Sexy actress Shriya Saran showing hot cleavage and navel

Sexy actress Shriya Saran showing hot cleavage and navel

Sexy actress Shriya Saran showing hot cleavage and navel

Sexy actress Shriya Saran showing hot cleavage and navel


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